Cutes & Friends - Sustainable Greeting Card
The trade magazine Cutes & Friends reports on current trends and events on topics such as stationery & books, school, writing & giving, creative and home office.
The May 2024 issue features an article on the PICKMOTION Calendar World 2025 (p. 31)! Our 2025 calendars, planners and family planners can be used for different households and meet every taste with eleven hand-picked theme worlds.
Cutes & Friends - Sustainable Greeting Card
The trade magazine Cutes & Friends reports on current trends and events on topics such as stationery & books, school, writing & giving, creative and home office.
In the third issue 2023, PICKMOTION is mentioned twice: namely in a report on the award ceremony for the Golden Greeting Card 2023 (p. 35) and on our new, sustainable greeting card as a product highlight (p. 38). Feel free to browse through the online issue yourself!

Golden Greeting Card Award 2023
The PICKMOTION postcards are award winners!
We are very happy about the great response to the award ceremony of the Golden Greeting Card 2023 and are insanely proud to be mentioned in relevant industry magazines such as the Cutes & Friends, PBS Report and Schreibkultur. In their online magazines, the two trade journals report on the awards, the multi-faceted greeting card submissions and an evening full of emotions.

Tree planting event 2023
The PICKMOTION team joined Sebastian and Frederik from Viva la Wald for the second time to reforest a regional forest!
We are very happy about the onlie report by Cutes & Friends and the German newspaper Zauche 365. Together we show how important reforestation campaigns like this are for our climate and future generations. We dedicate all the trees to new PICKMOTION customers.