Sustainability at PICKMOTION


Full of joy, colours and sustainability

For almost a decade PICKMOTION products have been known for its light-heartedness and joy.

In addition to that, sustainability plays an increasingly important role in our corporate philosophy: Since 2021, we print our entire product range climate neutrally and implement resource-saving logistics processes. To avoid long transport routes, we make sure that all products are produced in Germany and the EU. All emissions that we cannot avoid are offset by environmental projects run by ClimatePartner.

We are also pleased to introduce you to the new sustainable greeting card. It features a plastic-free packaging and will inform your customers of the clever extra that the card can be used twice.

Our sustainability standards

Climate neutral printing
All our products are printed climate-neutrally.
Produced in the EU
We produce in Berlin, Germany and the EU.
Preferably unpackaged
If possible, we use no packaging or environmentally friendly alternatives.
Passing on the joy
2-in-1: Our Folded Cards can be re-gifted.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Packaging is either reused or used as filler for the next shipment.
Worldwide collaborations
Collaborations take place online worldwide. The final design is created in Berlin


Since 2022, the PICKMOTION team comes together regularly to plant trees on behalf of our customers. We have to do something for our environment and together we can make a difference.

With the team from "Viva la Wald", we haved reforested regional forest areas in Brandenburg since 2022. This is an important project because German forests, in particular, are mostly monocultures that are particularly vulnerable to pests or severe forest fires.

We have decided to make tree planting an integral part of our business. The PICKMOTION team will therefore regularly organise a new tree planting day, planting a tree for every new customer. Together we will reforest local forests and give future generations and our environment new, healthy mixed forests.

All information at a glance

3.591 trees
have been planted in 2022 and 2023 by us
9,723 m2 of forest area
are afforested
46,365 creatures
use the area as a habitat
200,915 kg/year of oxygen
are produced